
MCT offers a comprehensive composite facility, with the ability to produce components with the assurance of detailed ISO accredited traceability. The production processes offered range from CNC templating, robot trimming through to Rhome arm inspection. Our 22,000 sq. /ft. Daventry site contains 6 autoclaves with comprehensive cycle recording of every cure. The manufacturing
procedures have been refined over 20 years of continuous supply to both the Motorsports and Automotive industries, resulting in a robust and dependable operation.
The wealth of technical and practical knowledge compliments our customers’ requirements of quality, reliability and repeatability. MCT has a separate R & D facility on campus, with a wealth of
experience acquired over 25 years. MCT has many technical partnerships with, material suppliers all over Europe, customers and end users and design and innovation houses here in the UK and abroad.

MCT is extremely proud of our internal training college which has proven to be a great success in the development of a highly skilled and motivated workforce. Our current 75+ team are our finest asset and all support the company to drive and improve to achieve new levels of excellence.